My life is pretty boring you know? Come on, I do not complain of it, much less, because I have a lot to thank, but, hey, now I have to do desserts (POSTRES. COME ON) to have some fun and, well, I do, of course , But that's not the point! The point is that today I've realized I want to do something important in my life (or at least on my vacation. SEEE, that's a good idea). Do not adopt a child because I have no money, but if something like social work or something (ALGO. PLEASE) * begs *
Yeah, I think I'll do a bit of social work.
Me I proposed to make my calendar look less maso; [...] Now they know that there was a man named Jack Dawson who saved me in every possible way a person can be saved "
And needless to say that then I went crazy saying something that sounded like
Yes, I know! I've lived with you, old Rose!
Yeah, well, that and also to mourn louder. Before the end had gone for water and I asked my sister (let's say C) why Jack and Rose stayed together. And she said something like: Because por, I'm going to watch videos on youtube where people make me laugh. Finally.
PD: Have you seen how great he is my icon? No? Well look at it! * Points * what is most "Yay" because James and I can leave seizures of how incredibly good it is that type. Yes, sir.
PS 2: And, yes, I like parentheses Heeeeee ((((¡ !))))
PD 3: Is there anyone out there who wants to see me smile, telling me where the hell I can find an icon for James?