Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Total Kill Lawn & Garden Insect Killer

Venezuela Why not enforce the law?, Why in Venezuela can do whatever we want?, Why do we suffer so many violations on the part of the Underworld?, Why do we have inflation, external debt, and a completely unstable economy?.
Not only Venezuela, but most Latin American countries, we are trapped for many years in a crisis of poverty, ignorance, apathy and corruption ... The syndrome of the Third World.
We are human, we are inhabitants of this planet, we have 4 arms, do not have wings, we are not mutants ... but anyway, because we are third world.
You know, you can ask anyone ... and all who know me will tell you that I am able to VenezuelaExcellent for farming. We have snow, deserts, jungles, mountains, peaks, jungles, table mountains and the most beautiful beaches ... All that mixed in endless wonders that strengthen our Republic. Many names including Visionaries, Athletes, Artists and intellectual genius that make us feel proud of our Land.

Are we or not We are a country with potential? ... Can we or can not be the first world? ... Sure we can ... but this is what we strive to be:
