Another day I speak a little more xD
Fandom: Harry Potter
Claim: Lily / James
Table: senses (touch)
Lily saw it coming.
James was one of those amazing things you'd expect life to be far away form little by little, and calmly, despite knowing that at some point had to reach you in a way surprisingNCES do it.
heard the strange voice and fails to recognize it. There is a kind of false seriousness in the tone that he was surprised and Lily has to moisten his dry lips with his tongue to calm down.
James does not ask permission when their lips together, just get your face in his hands, shrugs his shoulders and internal tongue as you bite your lips. Lily has to raise a few more bodies and cling to even the boy's neck to keep from falling.
is when you think nobody had ever kissed in this way, as if he wanted to drink the soul slowly and get all its essence through the mouth. James is still aggressive and rough skin just your voice, so much that it hurt, but nonothing bothered him to not care now, because all these sound barriers built around them for years slammed into the ground like a heavy slab, cracking into a thousand tiny pieces, but nothing of interest. Neither
dreams, no denials, no Quidditch matches that he refused to do for fear of realizing that he could not avoid the inevitable.
When separated, Lily will burn the lips and tongue tickles. Not able to speak, but not necessary, because it is certain that James knows exactly what he thinks. "I siento.
By not realize before how I felt, for the kisses I was dying to give, but never fu
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