Dale, like totally, I'm the worst person in the world, I now only worth taking the time to come and make a minimally decent entry as God sends congratulations to our dear
apocrypha73 that birthday was YESTERDAY and I could not come to congratulate her. So now I come quickie to yell loud and clear:
Happy birthday late, Apo! Jesus, you're like, dude, one of the finest people I've known in the global world, who love their children as no one will ever love, who love Dean / Castiel on everything and writesto get out of hell and had no fucking idea who had taken him there and all that - Dean would have laughed in your face in an impressive manner. He did not, of course, but Bobby would have done if he had not been unconscious on the floor and Castiel had not had that side to be talking quite seriously.
At that time, Dean did not believe in things that Castiel spoke. He did not believe in angels or that they were supposedly fighting warriors of the Lord on earth to protect humans. That would have told someone more naive, wrong, the truth, but it has told him he had seen evil in all its possible forms overshadowing all the good that could be in the world, was like telling the Italians who had notcheck whether the heart murmur that was not there before, but if it's there now, not what everyone calls faith. That blind trust that no matter what you say The Bible, the man of the news of the seven or boy of climate on the world is a complete wasted space in the universe, surely all will end well.
And believe it has been so long. It seems impossible
every confidence that they have and the fights and brawls that have taken over the months, but, whatever you do, always end up the best way. Seems to lie in what has become Cas and what has made him the son of a bitch.
therefore not surprised when I heard Chuck say that nothing matters, that elland not somewhere else where he realizes he cares a shit about the Revelation, that it does not matter if he dies or not, if only you the opportunity to tell all.
That it's okay to be the black sheep of the family from time to time. That's OK to have doubts and do not know what to do, and do not worry, to be the rebel without a cause is not always as bad as he has been a lifetime and if so what has led so far.
And, now, that his life has not been a complete mess.