Friday, March 20, 2009

How To Act In Dunk Tank

, people, I just saw the new chapter of Supernatural and ...

- I will not say much. Not that I want, really, is that it gives me the brain to do so. The chapter has been so AWEASOME that has left me in total shock. TOTAL. I cried with that end that left me heart is in little pieces and I was excited like a damn about the return of Anna because I love this chick with all my corazóny TOTALLY should be angry! Sex with a Castiel good time. My new OTP are two of them and nobody put me ahead Ruby because I resent it. And Uriel. With her and Uriel. That.

- I liked Dean the principio think of Pamela. That she wanted no part of it and defend against Uriel and against Cas. I liked it, because it usually is Sam who is always thinking of people, but it is for these things to me like the series. The characters evolve and not stay stuck in one place. Go on, Kripke, keep it up.

- CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY YOU MUST BE DEMONS MISHA TAN Urgh!?! Because, seriously, this has been the chapter on love me again and again and again as Ely HOT this looks disheveled and beaten and disobedient. Really, people do not know what they feed these guys, but do not stop giving it. SERIOUSLY.him.

- Ruby. No idea how I feel about it. Those smiles when Sam took his blood did not like at all and as I have always thought that a little bit bad yes it is, I am left with doubt. I continue with the Ruby / Castiel, but Anna / Castiel is also there. Now just write fic of them and be happy. Yes, sir (lie, that I do not believe nor I, but let me dream a while). -


\u0026lt;/ lj> was right in his fiction what with John enduring 100 years of torture and that is suppose &


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